Client Setup

  • Specify the IP address (or fully qualified domain name) of the server to connect to.
  • Specify the UDP port the server is running on.
  • Password of the server if it requires one.
  • The username for the server if it uses user-based authentication.
  • The password for the server if it uses user-based authentication.
  • Don't encrypt the outgoing data stream.
  • Not specifying IPv4 or IPv6 results in a dual-stack-scenario, where both protocols are used. This should work fine in all but three cases:
    1. Windows XP: Doesn't support dual-stack, hence it's restricted to one protocol only. By default that is IPv4. If you need to connect to a server via IPv6 you have to use the -IPv6 parameter.
    2. Connecting to a server by its domain name may resolve that domain name to an IPv6 address. If you can't access that server via IPv6 you need to use -IPv4 to restrict FishSpeak to IPv4 name resolving.
  • Set the master volume in 10 steps.
  • Set the volume of FX sounds (Dis-/Connect, Mute, ...) relative to the master volume
  • Number of audio buffers used to buffer the incoming audio stream before playback. Decrease the number to reduce latency at the cost of higher CPU usage. If the audio starts to stutter, this value is definitely to low. 3 should still work fine. But that really depends on your hardware configuration.
  • Select the bandwidth/quality for the incoming audio stream.
  • Select the bandwidth/quality for the outgoing audio stream. highest quality: 4 lowest quality: 0
  • The maximum gain for the automated gain control. Set to 0 to disable AGC completely.
  • Maximum volume increase in dB/s.
  • Maximum volume decrease in dB/s.
  • Connect to the server immediately on application's start.
  • Don't reconnect to the server automatically if the connection was dropped.
  • Windows only. Allow multiple clients to run at the same time. This is the default on everything non-Windows.
  • Windows only. Keep the window always on top of other windows.
  • Windows only. Show the window in the system tray only, when minimized.
  • The testbed is rather limited but it helps you getting a basic idea of how to define a global hotkey. A hotkey is a string in the form of <key>+<key>+.. <key> values: a - z / A - Z, 0 - 9 SPACE, BACKSPACE, TAB, RETURN, CAPSLOCK, PLUS, MINUS, COMMA, PERIOD, COLON, SLASH, GRAVE, LBOXBRACKET, RBOXBRACKET, BACKSLASH, QUOTE, PRINT, SCROLLLOCK, PAUSE, PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN, END, HOME, INSERT, DELETE, LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, NUM0 - NUM9, NUMADD, NUMSUB, NUMDIV, NUMMUL, NUMDEC, ESC, F1 - F11 <key> on X11: XStringToKeysym() is used. While on Windows multiple keys are allowed X11 and OS X only allow a single key to be used as hotkey. e.g. <modifierlist>+R+E works on Windows only. <key> for modifier keys:
    • X11: CONTROL, SHIFT, MOD1 - MOD5
  • Toggle "Mute Me".
  • Toggle "Mute Them".
  • Increase the master volume
  • Decrease the master volume
  • Push-To-Talk
  • Push-To-Mute